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There's more to Japan...
Happy New Year! Yoshi Kato's new website is now online!...
gizzy duststar - 1. Jan, 14:38
Einmal noch: MIMAMUSCH...
Ihr dürft Euch freuen!!! M I M A M U S C H kommt wieder:...
gizzy duststar - 9. Okt, 16:56
Schade, aber ich freue...
Schade, aber ich freue mich schon seeehr auf die Website!...
Kether - 1. Jul, 13:10

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Montag, 7. Januar 2008

TETSUO *\^o^)

Last night one of my dearest friends and I entered a world of metal mutations, industrial sounds, rubber hose conglomerates, thick eye glasses, buzz cocks, skinhead scientists, high-tech hard core fantasies and - ... Aaaaaah, out ouf my head!!!!


Watch and find out by yourself...



"Tetsuo or Ironman is a very interesting movie that explores the themes of metal and flesh and how they interact......I think."

"Die filmische Konsequenz: Fetischist und Geschäftsmann fusionieren. Was bleibt ist ein wütender Haufen aus Schrott, bestückt mit Waffen, der Statue of Liberty nicht unähnlich, der auszieht die schöne neue Welt zu bekriegen."

"It is like an audiovisual bombing of the senses. Hard to watch and again hard to dismiss."

"Budget used to make this movie may be equal to something like two cokes and a hamburger,..."

"Many will trash this 65 minutes B/W 16 mm epic simply because they didn't understood it. They don't seem to realize that 'Tetsuo' is pure art, and not is meant to be understood and contain any deeper meanings."

"This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis."

*not edited